Corporate lending in the Americas: The journey to 2025
We look at how banks in the Americas are navigating a shifting landscape in corporate lending.

Default Finastra
Corporate banking is facing a period of radical change. Even before the onset of COVID-19, corporate banks were rethinking both how they position themselves and deliver their services as technological advances opened opportunities to meet clients’ needs in a faster, more flexible and more agile way.
Finastra’s research report is based on the findings of over 700 direct interviews with senior management personnel, conducted over a five-week period in late 2020, with the sample size split evenly between the lending, trade finance, and cash management functions within corporate banks. In this report we focus solely on the findings from respondents in corporate lending in the Americas. Download now to learn:
- The strategic roadmap and the shift towards platforms
- Meeting changing client demands
- Driving digital transformation
- Overcoming obstacles and concerns
- Tools and functionalities for the future