Setting you up for LIBOR transition success

Financial institutions of all sizes are preparing for life after LIBOR. The impact across banks is vast – whether it’s adapting pricing models, preparing for conversations with borrowers, updating compliant workflows or implementing operational changes across all lending segments – Finastra is here to help.

Get ready to start lending after LIBOR with Fusion Loan IQ and the Fusion LIBOR Transition Calculator for enterprise clients and end-to-end total lending for North American Community Markets clients.

Fusion LIBOR transition calculator

Future proofing investments in Corporate Lending

With the imminent transition from LIBOR to Alternative Reference Rates (ARR) or Risk Free Rates (RFR) causing operational challenges to banks and lenders, the need for automation is becoming increasingly clear.

Fusion LIBOR Transition Calculator (Onepager)

The need to have a flexible service that can expand over time as these ARR / RFR methodologies evolve is more important than ever.

Fusion LIBOR Transition Calculator

Fusion LIBOR Transition Calculator (Factsheet)

With the imminent transition from LIBOR causing operational challenges to banks and lenders, the need for automation is becoming increasingly clear.

Fusion LIBOR Transition Calculator (Factsheet)

Key benefits

Trusted methodology

The solution follows Finastra’s Fusion Loan IQ ARR calculations which gives banks both consistent and accurate results, every time. We’ve ensured there’s the flexibility to calculate the daily compounding rates for the whole period or only for the end date.

Seamless integration

The Open API based offering can integrate efficiently and seamlessly with legacy systems that are not prepared for the transition, thereby significantly reducing operational risk for banks.

Future-proof your business

We have the knowledge and expertise to continually expand the calculator service in line with the evolving market and regulatory needs, future proofing your business from any additional investments.

Best practices for the LIBOR transition in loans and lending

Best Practices for the LIBOR Transition in Loans and Lending

The LIBOR deadline is fast approaching and lending professionals need to make sure they are ready for the life after LIBOR. Learn techniques and methodologies to successfully transition your lending portfolios from LIBOR while minimizing risk and ensuring optimal pricing.

A World after LIBOR 2.0

A world after LIBOR 2.0

With less time to focus on what the change means and pressure to increase lending, the emphasis now is on how to operationalize the post-LIBOR world. This paper looks at the current status of the industry and how it is planning to progress. We explore the risks associated with indecision and ask the question: are you ready?

How AI Is driving the LIBOR transition forward with executing loan book

Image of laptop with Market Insight

Considering IBOR transition as a mere replacement of data is a simplistic view; in reality, the transition to Risk-Free Rates (RFR) is much more complex. To ensure an orderly transition, banks must adopt an agile approach in the areas of impact assessment across products; Artificial intelligence is automating the process by extracting key information from contracts, onboarding into loan management systems without rekeying.

Where are you on your LIBOR journey?

Are you prepared for the end of LIBOR?

See how Finastra can help you make a smooth transition to life after LIBOR.

Fusion Loan IQ

Our latest release of Fusion Loan IQ is ready now to support you through your LIBOR transition.

Our flagship lending solution is agile, ready to adapt to whatever uncertainty the LIBOR transition may bring, to ensure that you can successfully manage lending after LIBOR.

Fusion Loan IQ

North American Community Market Lending

To learn more about LIBOR impacts on North American community financial institutions, watch our webinar or visit our lending page for more information.

Want to speak with an expert? Get in touch.

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