Payments in the Nordics – leading the world to a cashless society
The Nordic region has become the global benchmark for the cashless society—helping to inspire banks and other payments players worldwide to innovate and transform their payments offerings for customers.
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According to the World Payments Report 2018 (WPR), the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark) and the US continue to battle for global leadership in terms of cashless transactions per inhabitant—with Sweden now ahead for the first time, recording 461.5 transactions per person per year compared to the US’s 459.6. Sweden’s success is underlined by the fact that 6.33 million of the country’s 10 million total population use Swish, a mobile payments service backed by leading Swedish banks. And those numbers are just the start: It has been estimated that Sweden will become the world’s first fully cashless society by March 2023. How have the Nordics achieved this? And what can you learn from their approach? Download the latest market commentary written in collaboration with Capgemini and Finastra, and commented by the CEO’s of P27 and Bankgirot and read on how this has been achieved.