2 min 9 s

Seize the instant payments opportunities in the UK and EU with Finastra Payments To Go

Discover how financial institutions in the UK and EU can securely adopt instant payments with Finastra Payments To Go - an efficient Payments-as-a-Service solution.

Instant payments in Europe have evolved into a critical component of the payments landscape, driven both by regulatory mandate and the growing demand from businesses for faster payment processing.

As market demand for instant payments continues to rise, Finastra Payments To Go - a cloud-based, Payments-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution offers a modern, scalable, and 24/7 available solution that is leveling the playing field of accessibility to new payment technology and enabling financial institutions of every sizes across Europe, to provide safe and efficient instant payment services.

Finastra Payments To Go, together with its Total Messaging gateway, provides the connectivity, availability, agility, and scalability needed for the banks to deliver instant payments services around the clock. It simplifies payments processing with intuitive configuration capabilities, best practice workflows, and data analytics. Leveraging open APIs, the solution ensures high interoperability and direct access to the TIPS and other networks.

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