Gilles Babinet
Gilles Babinet is a French multi-entrepreneur, born in 1967 in Paris. Since 1989, he created 9 companies in various areas, such as mobile music (Musiwave, sold $139M in 2006), co-creation (Eyeka), Big Data marketing (CaptainDash). He is also vice-president of the National Digital Council as well as Digital Champion, representing France at the European Commission for digital matters. Since 2017, he is the president of PULSAR, a Paris based digital art prize which awards art works born from the encounter between artists and digital creators. Finastra supports the prize since its second edition in 2018.
Gilles is a well know digital visionary in France. He has been collaborating with the Think Tank Institut Montaigne on several research works on digital competitiveness, digital inclusion, big data and IoT. In 2011, he was appointed chair of the National Digital Council by the President Nicolas Sarkozy. Since 2012, Gilles is the French Digital Champion, representing France at the European Commission for the digital topics. He’s also a member of EY's Board and the EDF Foundation.
Gilles Babinet published his first book in January 2014, "L'Ère numérique, un nouvel âge de l'humanité", where he discusses the impact of new technologies in our societies, our lives and our institutions. Throughout his book, he identifies five areas such as Education, Healthcare, the State, Knowledge and Production, that are deeply challenged in the context of the ongoing digital revolution. His book, “Big Data: penser l’homme et le monde autrement”, came out in February 2015 and covers economic and social issues linked to the eruption of the data. Gilles recently published another book “Digital transformation: the advent of platforms” on the digital transformation as it should be implemented in large companies.