
The future of syndicated lending

While volumes of syndicated lending have slowed in recent months under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains a large and dynamic global market, with an aggregate loan value estimated at about $4.5 trillion in 2019. Find out how Fusion LenderComm is enabling streamlined, transparent and secure digital information exchange between lenders and agents.

While volumes of syndicated lending have slowed in recent months under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains a large and dynamic global market, with an aggregate loan value estimated at about $4.5 trillion in 2019.

But while syndicated lending offers many attractions, it’s a market beset by some significant drawbacks. In particular, it combines rapid growth in lenders with the use of information exchange mechanisms that are frozen in time. The continued use of slow, fragmented manual processes and legacy point-to-point communications between agents and lenders increases the number of reconciliation breaks, and adds time, cost and risk for all participants. Real change is needed to boost speed, efficiency and visibility, and bring syndicated lending into the 21st century. To find out what that new era will look like, please read on.

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